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- …
- Faculty Resources
- Faculty New to Park
- Faculty Culture
- Policy & Procedure Guidebook
- Course Development
- Student Perspectives & Support

- Faculty Resources
- Faculty New to Park
- Faculty Culture
- Policy & Procedure Guidebook
- Course Development
- Student Perspectives & Support
- …
- Faculty Resources
- Faculty New to Park
- Faculty Culture
- Policy & Procedure Guidebook
- Course Development
- Student Perspectives & Support

Faculty Development Certifications
FCI Faculty Development Certifications are courses that focus on teaching and learning, course design, and scholarship. All course modules are fully online and self-paced for faculty to access and participate in at their convenience. Faculty may access these courses by enrolling in the FCI Instructor Hub (i-Hub) in Canvas. Once a faculty member completes each of the modules and requested course content, faculty will receive a certificate and digital badge that can be added to their CV/resume, signature block, social media, and more!
Keep an eye out on this site for new certifications as we continue to expand Faculty Development Certifications. If you have questions regarding a certification, please contact FCI at innovate@park.edu.
Teaching Contemporary Students Certification
Through this certification experience, you will:
- Better understand, support, and teach contemporary students today;
- Integrate promising practices into your own teaching; and
- Engage and advocate for contemporary students.
The Teaching Contemporary Students modules (listed below) are accompanied by a "Guidebook" designed to help you better understand and support contemporary students and apply the promising practices and inclusive teaching content into your courses. Submission of the guidebook signals completion of the certification and you will be issued a digital badge.
- Module 1: Who Are Contemporary Learners?
- Module 2: Promising Practices
- Module 3: Inclusive Teaching in Your Practice
- Module 4: Wayfinding and Discovering More
Teaching Essentials Certification
Through this certification experience, you will:
- Preplan class sessions to manage time and achieve course objectives/outcomes;
- Actively engage and motivate students to help them better understand and explore the subject; and
- Provide timely and constructive feeback to students and incorporate student feedback to enhance teaching and learning.
The Teaching Essentials modules (listed below) are designed to provide meaningful information and practical examples from the field, for both novice and experienced instructors. Submission of all five module's certificates signals completion of the certification and you will be issued a digital badge.
- Module 1: Planning Class Sessions
- Module 2: Facilitating Discussions
- Module 3: Engaging & Motivating Students
- Module 4: Providing Effective Feedback
- Module 5: Using Student & Peer Feedback to Improve Teaching
Designing Meaningful Learning Online Certification
Through this certification experience, you will:
- Apply foundational instructional design concepts to plan your online course in ways that make sense for your discipline/course content (instructional design);
- Incorporate universal and inclusive design principles to ensure that your courses are accessible and engaging to a wide variety of learning; and
- Ensure active learning, high levels of interaction, and ownership of learning occur among students.
While completion of this certification is required for all faculty online course developers at Park, faculty designing and teaching courses in all modalities can benefit from exploring its principles and evidence-based practices.
The Designing Meaningful Learning Online modules (listed below) are accompanied by a "Guidebook" designed to help you apply the content to a course you might develop or perform maintenance on in the future. Submission of the guidebook signals completion of the certification and you will be issued a digital badge.
- Principle 1: Understand Your Environment
- Principle 2: Understand Your Learners
- Principle 3: Design Meaningful & Active Learning Experiences
- Principle 4: Reflect with Recursive Feedback & Assessment
- Technology Toolbox
Scholarship Essentials Certification
Through this certification experience, you will:
- Understand how to create an SoTL and/or discipline-specific research project plan;
- Utilize resources to develop a literature review, submit an IRB application, collect and analyze data, and manage time; and
- Better understand your academic writing habits and how to strengthen your scholarship.
The Scholarship Essentials modules (listed below) are designed to provide foundational information to help you reach your research goals. Submission of all five module's certificates signals completion of the certification and you will be issued a digital badge.
- Module 1: Planning an SoTL Project
- Module 2: Planning a Research Project
- Module 3: Resources to Help You Develop Your Literature Review
- Module 4: Essentials of the IRB Process
- Module 5: Professionalizing Your Work
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Created by Faculty Center for Innovation
© 2025