- Faculty Resources
- Faculty New to Park
- Faculty Culture
- Policy & Procedure Guidebook
- Course Development
- Student Perspectives & Support
- …
- Faculty Resources
- Faculty New to Park
- Faculty Culture
- Policy & Procedure Guidebook
- Course Development
- Student Perspectives & Support

- Faculty Resources
- Faculty New to Park
- Faculty Culture
- Policy & Procedure Guidebook
- Course Development
- Student Perspectives & Support
- …
- Faculty Resources
- Faculty New to Park
- Faculty Culture
- Policy & Procedure Guidebook
- Course Development
- Student Perspectives & Support

Mission and Goals
Our mission is to foster a faculty culture of continuous learning and engagement
What We Believe in FCI:
We believe in Connection & Community:
We foster a psychologically safe space for faculty exchange, to develop our teaching practice (regardless of rank, modality, location, race, or creed). This community recognizes the unique talents of each instructor and lessons we can learn from one another - we embrace a culture of continuous learning, together.
We believe in Curiosity & Continuous Learning:
When faculty are guided by genuine curiosity (as learners ourselves), we can collaboratively learn and co-create with our students and colleagues; we can enact learner-centered teaching; and remain curious by using intentional inquiry to guide experimentation that helps our teaching to continuously evolve.
We believe in Innovation & Inquiry:
Continuous learning and risk-taking lay a foundation for innovation; while an inquiry mindset into classroom practice enables the creation of new knowledge about teaching and learning. This includes sharing lessons learned with the larger academic community through the dissemination of knowledge within and outside of the University.
Community & Connection
What We Do:
We position faculty to be seen, heard, valued, and connected to meaningfully share their expertise and lessons learned. We build relationships across the disciplines, across locations, and across traditional academic boundaries.
Examples: Special Interest Groups (SIGs), FCI Collaborative Council, First-Year Faculty Cohorts, Remote Faculty Influencers, Faculty Learning Day, Celebration of Teaching.
Curiosity & Continuous Learning
What We Do:
We provide opportunities for faculty to learn about, evaluate, and implement new teaching practices as part of our continuing professional development journey throughout our life.
Examples: Continuous Learning Academcy, 2-Minute Mentors, 3-Minute Thesis, Teaching Essentials Certification, Scholarship Essential Certification, Virtual Academic Conference, Lunch N Learn Series, Digital Badging, ACUE/Gardner external certifications.
Innovation & Inquiry
What We Do:
Support the creation and dissemination of new knowledge about teaching and learning through a journal publication outlet, venues to share work, support, dedicated time, and communities.Examples: Teaching Innovation Fellowship, Scholarship Fellowships, InSight Journal, Scholars @ Work Programs, Educational Technology Explorers, FCI Research Agenda.
How We Know it’s Working:
- Engagement in our learning communities (with engagement by all faculty rank, location, modalities)
- Uptake of new techniques/approaches (faculty reflections, artifacts, and teaching innovations)
- Digital badges earned, practices shared and new strategies implored in their classes.
- Vibrancy of faculty culture
(do faculty like teaching here, do they feel that the University supports the continuous learning of faculty, and do they feel recognized for the good work they do?)
How We Know it’s Working:
- Engagement in our programming, events, and communities
(with engagement by all faculty ranks, locations, modalities)
- Uptake of new techniques/approaches (the reflections where people tell us if they tried something new and what happened)
- Digital badges earned and artifacts shared
How We Know it’s Working:
- Engagement in inquiry and dissemination of new knowledge about teaching and learning (people who take the next step and engage in disseminating knowledge internally and externally)
- Involvement with InSight Journal
(as peer reviewers, submitters, authors) and number of downloads
- Outcomes and deliverables of programming grants, projects, and fellowships
- Engagement in our learning communities (with engagement by all faculty rank, location, modalities)
Contact Us
Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.
8700 NW River Park Drive, Parkville, MO 64152Mon. - Fri. 8am-4:30pm, CST(816) 584-6770
Park University is not responsible for the contents of any off-site pages which reference, or that are referenced by, Park University’s webpage(s).The information and opinions expressed on any off-site pages are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Park University.
Created by Faculty Center for Innovation
© 2025